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Driving on hydrogen, how does that work?

The Hydrogen car resembles an Electric cars .

Michael Maljers
Michael MaljersFounder  @ Putit-on-E the paid encyclopedia

2 min read|Apr 4, 2024|17 views

Now that energy giant Shell is also building four hydrogen filling stations with a subsidy, driving with hydrogen-powered electric cars is gaining momentum. But how does it work? The hydrogen car resembles an electric car. But unlike electric cars, there is no battery under the hood. Shell builds filling stations for hydrogen. The hydrogen is made in a number of types in the car, in a fuel cell thanks to oxygen from the air that is converted into water. That hydrogen is not the source, but the carrier of electricity. Hydrogen does not come from the ground like natural gas. Using the hydrogen, an engine in this type of car produces electricity that can drive the electric motor in the car. Clean Where petrol and diesel power other cars, hydrogen does so for this type of car that came out of the garage in 2016. Almost all major car brands are now experimenting with it. Transport giant VDL has its own hydrogen truck in Brabant. TU Delft students have been racing on hydrogen for some time, with great success. According to the ANWB, the performance of hydrogen cars is comparable to that of petrol engines. Now that energy giant Shell is also building four hydrogen filling stations with a subsidy, driving with hydrogen-powered electric cars is gaining momentum. But how does it work? Hydrogen driving is now increasingly embraced because it is more environmentally friendly than petrol, LNG or diesel. It also has a future: there is a virtually inexhaustible source available, other than natural gas or gasoline, for example. It is considered relatively clean: the only residual product from your car is water vapor from the exhaust. And some heat of course. Refueling in five minutes The advantages of electric driving on hydrogen are also the relatively long range compared to other battery cars, and that you can fill up with a full tank of hydrogen within five minutes for a range of 500 kilometers (at Toyota). Refueling takes considerably longer with most battery cars. Hydrogen is stored and refueled under high pressure. But according to the ANWB it is "not the best choice for frequent drivers". For hydrogen-powered transport, the long-term costs of building pop-up stations will be at least twenty million lower than those for electric cars, the German research center Jülich concludes. A disadvantage of 'hydrogen driving' is that you get a large tank in your car; but due to technological innovation, smaller storage is becoming increasingly common.

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